Sunday, January 30, 2011

Highlights from January

The last day in January.  Oh my.
'Tis a fact, however, and I must face it.  Fact, too, that I have fifteen days more in which to complete my eighteenth year.  I will be very sorry to bid goodbye to Eighteen!  I truly enjoyed getting to know her.  
Anyway, several notable occurrences occasioned themselves this month, among which. . . 
~I found several wonderful deals at various antique and thrift shops, among them a brand-new set of L.M. Montgomery's Emily books,
 Emily of New Moon/ Emily Climbs/ Emily's Quest (3 Book Set)  
 a pair of vintage leather ice skates (in my size - a miracle, by the way!), a pair of highly fashionable white vintage sunglasses which shock my dear brother every time I wear them, and a very nice floral blouse.  Very nice floral blouses make me very happy.
~I discovered that I love to watch movies in foreign languages with English subtitles.  Especially when I can recognize some of the foreign words! =)
This one, set in the Hinterland of China, was wonderful - My family enjoyed it very much.  The scenery and cinematography were gorgeous, and the story was very sweet. 
Now, to find something in German. . . 
~I went on my first mountain hike for the year.  January - that's a good start, no? =) The sunset was indescribable from the top of the mountain behind my home.
~I enjoyed having a delightful sewing day at Tasha's, watching Swing Time and Shall We Dance, and laughing hysterically, as a matter of course. We agreed that this dress needs some help.  Though Ginger still manages to look adorable in it=)
Shall We Dance (1937)
~I started a new set of aprons for The Shop, featuring some of the cutest retro circus fabric ever;)
Shelburne Circus Words
~My family acquired a dry bag.  If you don't have one too, save up and buy yourself one.  They're quite simply amazing.  You'll thank me for this advice later on.
It's just like this one, only different.  Ours is green. =)
~I commenced reading War and Peace by Tolstoy.  Translated, of course;)  It's a glorious, thick, turquoise-and-red, gilt-edged, thousand-or-so page Russian-y sort of tome that I think I might fall in love with.  Quite possibly. . . 
~I've laughed much.  Last night, as I was preparing the crust for some pot pies, Clara appeared at my side and tugged on my apron.  "Kellie, I like pot pies."  "I'm very glad you do," I answered. "Meat and vegetables are just the thing to make you grow up strong and healthy, and it tastes ever better in a buttery crust - don't you agree?"  I waited to see what she would say, as she has a past record of disliking any but garden-fresh vegetables.  (Such a spoiled thing!:)
"Yup.  I like them, Kellie.  Everything but the filling."
~I've learned so much just in the last month about forgiveness, patience, and trust.  Who am I to give up?  To lose vision?  If Christ, who lived a perfect, sinless life, could bear all things to the end, then I, who have his perfect example before me, can do no less.  
"Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy."
--1 peter 13-16
Real gold fears no fire.  May we be as pure gold, the likeness of the Saviour.  Invincible. Trusting. Faithful.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

{Mirror Me} Photo Challenge

I love mirror photos=)  Swing by and have a look-see at this fun contest!
Held by Katie of HEllo highLIGHTS.
I took these last summer while on a rainy-day ramble.



Monday, January 24, 2011

I'm dreaming of Spring. . .

. . . Especially this cunning kitty. . . 
. . . cozy, wonderful reading nooks. . . 
. . . misty dream-laden fields. . . 
. . . turf-thatched cottages. . . 
. . . old-fashioned chamomile. . . 
. . . fantastical far-away lands. . . 
. . . unique, delightful photo shoots. . . 
. . . rose portraiture. . .
. . . and a green-painted, stone-walled garden gate.
Happy Saturday, everyone!

Monday, January 10, 2011

An impromptu Video

While over at a friend's house with my family at Christmastime, I was asked to record a piano solo to put on YouTube.  Mr. A thought it would be fun to put a recording on there with a link to my shop, and see how many hits to my site the video would bring.  I thought it was a lovely idea, except for one minor detail.  
Through no fault of my own, I hadn't touched the piano for about two weeks, and longer before that=(
My keyboard is at present residing in my brother's bus, which is the only place it will fit in our current residence.  My brother is so nice about it, but I can't go barging over there and banging on my instrument all the time!  It kills me, because I could easily play hours every day if I were able, but for now, I just have to bear it. . . :)
Anyway - my excuses were overridden, and I bungled through an impromptu rendition of George Winston's Joy.  It's far, far from perfect, but I'm glad I did it! 
As soon as possible, I'm looking forward to practicing some more and recording something decent to share;)  
For now, Enjoy!


Sunday, January 09, 2011

The Golden Hours Treasury

As you probably know, I am working on developing my own design company.
 It resides at
Although I want my image to be an independent business, I also started a "side" shop on  It's not my main focus, but I decided to go ahead and have a presence there.  I love using Etsy - it so fun to browse, as well as interact with other crafters and consumers alike!
Yesterday, a kind Etsy seller (from Scotland, no less!) featured one of my items  (the Celtic Bonnie Lass Ensemble) in a treasury, and I had to share it with you all!  I love the muted, golden palette, and anything Scottish is superior by default=)
Click here to view the treasury on Etsy!

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Hello to a New Year

January 1st, 2011.
The date marking the commencement of a brand new twelvemonth in which to work, play, laugh, aspire, conquer.  All for the glory of God.
I know, I haven't shown my face since last year. . . was it really so long ago?;)  
I came down with a debilitating cold a few days after Christmas {I'm fond of romanticizing said colds a little in print, after the fact.  As evidenced here}    during which time I was so thankful to have the delightful luxury of as many Ricola throat drops as I could eat.  At one point, I wished I could just pour the stuff molten down my throat. . . ;)
Which reminds me of the day I went into the grocery store, just before Christmas, with Ricola on my list - little dreaming I would need their succor so soon.  
By way of introduction, I've been a homeschool er growing up in a television-free home my entire life.  I love it that way.  However, one of the side affects of this arrangement is that my parents, not having been blessed with immunity from the TV set and it's inevitable commercials, will occasionally start randomly quoting vintage ads for cars, cereal, and candy, leaving their ignorant and bewildered children completely nonplussed.  I well remember the time my parents gave us the run-down on the classic Ricola commercial, with the Swiss Alpine horn demonstrated in pantomime, then the wavering, long-drawn out Riiic-oooo-l-a-a-a-a!


 As I wandered through the Christmas crowd in the grocery store, crossing off my list, I could not find the ricola.  Finally, I came across a shelf-stocker, whom I asked the general vicinity of the item.  "Excuse me, could you tell me where to find the Ricola throat drops?"  Instead of civilly giving me the answer, as I naturally expected he would, the man stopped what he was doing, leaned back from his ladder, grasped a rung in one hand, cupped the other to his mouth, and bellowed "Riiic-ooooooooooooo-l-a-a-a-a-a-a-a!"
I grinned up at him in amused amazement, and through his chuckles, directed me to the right aisle.  It made my day.
Well, here I am, writing my New Year post.  I love writing lists, and my "Master List for 20??" is one of the nicest things about the new year, in my opinion.  Crossing things off is not even a part of my list.  I keep it clean and spotless, referring to it when I'm discouraged or just in need of inspiration.  It's a helpful friend, not a tyrannical master.
One more year.  365 days.  Countless moments.  Each one to capture for the glory of my Saviour.
Make more music on the piano
the accordion
and ukulele
Try archery
Spend more time outdoors!
Re-design my shop site and start promoting it 
Read the entire Bible straight through
Wear a full-blown 18th c. gown to the downtown shops and have ice cream
make a cheesecake
study Chinese
go on many, many trail rides with four-footed and two-footed friends
record my music CD
Faithfully keep my business accounting for 2011
study German
publish my vintage e-book collection and offer it for sale
go fishing - a lot
sew lovely things
work in the garden
Grow more like my Saviour  -  day by day.