Saturday, March 17, 2012

My world in Pins, Vol. Two

{All pictures linked to Pinterest for sources}


  1. Yes, these are all so you, Kellie!
    Every time I see the pic of the girl with the thick brown braid wearing the yellow sweater, I think of you:)

    Just love that pic of Errol and Olivia...they are so, so cute together. *sigh*

    Love and miss you!
    Your loving friend,

  2. I agree with Tasha! These pics are so you! I love the various boots shown and more Wall Tent homes! Very fun! Hope all is going well with your Dad's project!

  3. I'm loving that picture with the big gnarly tree...and can totally see a treehouse in it!
    That cake with the flags is making me hungry....
    And I love, love, love those lace-up boots! (Do they come in black, please?)

    God bless, with love and prayers,
    ~"Wild Rose"~
    (Who also misses you!)


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