Monday, December 31, 2012

T W E N T Y T W E L V E - a review

Those little moments captured.  Threads in a tapestry hung with triumphs, trials, tests and truths, complied for a glimpse of twenty twelve in review.

I hope this last day of 2012 finds you strengthened, full of joy, and ready for the beautiful blank new year ahead.  I'm looking forward with all my heart to continuing the journey with each of you.

Here's a little post pretty for you to share!
As the motto on the Falconer family crest says -

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Simple Gifts

Christmas Eve melted into morning while we were baking Spritz cookies. 
I was jolted from sleep at six by a cotton ball drenched in peppermint oil wafted under my nose, the dastardly ruse of a little sister to get everyone out of bed.  Laughing, yelling, shaking with cold, Ellen and I rushed to the trailer where a warm fire was already going, the overnight omelette (Tradition) was steaming, and pineapple juice was heating on the stove.

My brother just moved in to a house in town to be near his new job, and I miss him so much.  He drove down mid morning to be a part of the fun.
Each brown paper package was torn open, the little something inside each one simple but full of love.  I got a beautiful pencil sketch of my tent and an accordion-style paperdoll family, and my absolute favorite; Walker's Shortbread and a packet of pistachios from my bro.

Then we gathered gingerbread and coats, rounded everyone up, and headed down to spend the rest of the day with some dear friends. 

December is nearly over.  A new year is just around the bend... uncertainty, worry, fear of change may threaten to steal our joy, but through it all, just remember;

Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift!
- 2 Chor. 9:15

Monday, December 24, 2012


Merry Christmas, friends.
A beautiful Christmas Eve night to you all!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Snowy Interlude, and Oranges

A box of fresh oranges from a sweet friend in Florida made a very bright spot in the Wall Tent Studio a few weeks ago!
Orders have been humming out of the tent flaps on their way to amazing people who are helping me make my dreams come true.
Millie, in her nest, watches me work with an indulgent eye.  That cat is in clover.
We have over sixteen inches of snow as of this afternoon.  Working on the driveway, which will be too deep for our little tractor before much more of this!
The snow weighs down the logging tarp covering my tent, occasionally knocking down the exterior support poles that make the walls tight.  The canvas sags in the most loppity fashion till I go out and stick the pole in place again.  One of those things that you keep meaning to tighten up and never get around to...
Dark and rather chilly mornings aren't much fun till the fire gets going.
Evenings, however, with warmth and candlelight and lists crossed off, are very cozy indeed. 
Seeing friends is such a blessing, few and far between as visits are!
My constant companions.
A tripod has joined the family, though I probably won't name it;)  How I love this thing!
I love you all for loving the Doctor Who buttons/mirrors so much!  Allons-y to the bubble mailers, say I!
Early January should reveal a button-y sort of giveaway that you won't want to miss.
I made this no-knead roll recipe from Erica Lea, which she shared over on the Pioneer Woman cooking blog last week.  Double batch, 50 rolls, gone in an hour.
Statistics both complementary and depressing.

The biggest decision of my life so far faced me this week, and is leading to some tremendous changes in my world.  Praying, pondering, checking off those lists and making longer ones.
That's been my week so far.

And Christmas day - just a few more hours, it seems, and you'll be behind me.  
Don't be in too much of a hurry, alright?