Saturday, January 19, 2013


 Some bright felt posies made into bobbies - such a happy splash of color on a gray day!
Mildred is being adorable, as usual.

I washed my hair the other evening, then tucked it behind my pillow and burrowed under the blankets as usual... however, in the morning, I awoke to find my hair frozen stiff, standing straight out in loops and curls when I picked it up.  It was rather fascinating.  I wonder if the hair would snap off if frozen hard enough?  I don't plan to find out.  

Speaking of gray days, I'm working on something to help us all find a little sunshine here in the dull and dreary January blogging season... stay tuned!  Did someone say blog party, sale, and giveaway?  Yehaw!


  1. Frozen hair, eeek! I don't know, it can't be good... but apparently, it survived to tell the tale, ha! :D
    Colourful flowers are good in winter, always, and of course Mildred is being adorable... Which reminds me, I'm just about to award you a blog award. I haven't written the post yet, but will in the next hour or so, and figured I'd better tell you in one post. :-)

  2. Mr. Bump, who is purring away beside me, wants to know it Mildred would like a pen pal?Now, he is bumping up against my computer screen! Can he read??? He has a splash of orange marmalade on the top of his white head so I think he is quite attracted to Millie's adorable marmalade coat. Ask her if she wants a pen pal as inquiring cat minds want to know! Oh, those posies are beautiful and indeed a welcome splash of spring color. And I for one agree that 2013 could use a big kickstart! I am staying tuned for what is next!

  3. That would be a novel feeling, to wake up and discover your hair was frozen. That would freak me out a bit, I bet.

    I'll stay tuned! I love giveaways! :D

  4. A blog parry? Squeeeeee! Looking forward to hearing more about it!!

    And waking up to frozen hair... would probably freak me out. How did you thaw it? And was it damaged at all? O_O

    1. Sat in front of the fire and finger combed it... thankfully, there seems to be no damage sustained:)

  5. The post took a long time to write, so I post again anyway...
    Looking forward to the blog party - I think your long-time readers know what it is, right? ;-)

    1. That blog party is definitely in the works, but we have another as a sort of warm-up. The more fun the merrier! ;)

      Thanks so much for the awards! I loved your post. Someday I'm going to find time to catching up on all the sweet tags and awards I have stacked away... soon. :smile:

  6. Your cheerful flowers are beautiful! I can tell that your Mildred is a lovely friend. Seeing her made me miss my own cat. Stay warm! : )

  7. So does it naturally condition your hair if you freeze it before drying it? Just like feezing your laundry before drying is the softest. J/K hehe.
    I couldn't even imagine! I get cold if the house gets below 60 at night.


    1. Hehe... who knows? :) Definitely know about the frozen laundry, though.. we get a bit of that around here, too. :sigh:

  8. I love your posie bobbie pins. So cute and colorful!

  9. Oh my word, girlie--frozen oranges and now frozen hair?! Yikies!

    Miss Mildred is adorable, and I daresay she knows it, too. ;-)

    Looking forward to the grey-weather-pick-up you mentioned....

    God bless,


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