Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What Makes You Beautiful

The French girls say that to believe you are pretty is to make you so.

I think to believe that we are loved is what makes us beautiful.

We are all so, so beautiful.
Denim skirt - made by me // smocked top - Fred Meyer's
floral belt - made by me - heels // thrifted

{linking with The Pleated Poppy, Ruby Girl}

last day hurrah!

Just a reminder that today's the last to use our Blogger Stylist's Collective $20.00 off coupon!
Enter code
at checkout.

Summer is ripe for sporting tulle - or chevron or gingham - downtown for your next ice cream outing!
You know you want to... the only question is which?

P.S. We just hit two hundred and fifty sales, which cued me jumping out of my chair at dusk last night and skipping like a crazy woman down the driveway.  We have a very long driveway.  At the end, I found myself looking over the valley from the top of a piece of heavy machinery we have down there.  I started drumming out a happy melody on the metal top of the cab, which brought a ferocious buzzing from underneath the hatch.  A legion of Yellow Jackets started sleepily and menacingly from their nest underneath, and after one look, I jumped about eight feet to the ground and was glad to find myself intact and unstung at the bottom.  
Also pleased that no one was passing on the road to see my frantic leap, a bedraggled daylily tucked behind one ear and a measuring tape flying around my neck.

The moral?  Let's do something involving less mortal peril by way of celebration... because this definitely calls for a party!  Be on the lookout for something special


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Summer 2013 Bridal Collection | the shoot

All skirts by Kellie Falconer Design

So happy to share the Summer 2013 Bridal Collection shoot, which was every bit as twirly and sunshiny and chock full of smiles as it looks, times ten.  I put together this collection with a mix-and-match look in mind that is perfect for customizing for a bridal party, and finally getting to style them all together was a dream!

Such a perfect day.  I love spending time with these incredibly beautiful and talented girls so much.

Oh, and those silly little flies that kept getting caught in our tulle - all of which were christened Mortimer - provided vast entertainment as we essayed through each layer of netting trying to extract them.
(Special thanks to my two little sisters who grabbed the camera so that I could be in a few of the shots!)

After the shoot, we unanimously voted to storm the town in tulle, and descended on Little Town Market in a cloud of roses and fluff for a cold creamy good thing.With the combination of a scorching hot summer afternoon, bridal shoot finery, and best friends, ice cream never tasted better.
Before the parting of the ways, we gathered at the library to round up the skirts...
...and discovered this brilliant work of literature that for some reason had an exquisite appeal to our sardonic sense of humor.  

Homeward bound, Bunbury was a scene of choral chaos as we belted out Fireflies, The Battle Hymn of the Republic, Angels we Have Heard on High, and Nat King Cole's L-O-V-E.

The End.

Monday, July 29, 2013

The July that changed the world.

July has been beautiful and blessed beyond belief.  We've had more fresh cherry pies than you could shake a stick at curtesy of my budding baker sister, there was a hay stacking party that turned into a sunset music video/jam session in a friend's orchard.  With fireworks and smoke bombs.

There's been dancing, and cherry picking, and sneaking into my bro's house while he was out of town to short sheet the bed, plant party poppers, hard boil some of the eggs, and, of course, draw faces on them.  I wonder if he'll ever give me his house keys again...
Then, there was the 2013 Summer Bridal Collection KFD shoot, with tulle skirts and golden light and absolutely beautiful girls that I am so blessed to call my friends.  They were amazing.  Post on that coming up!

Then.  Then things really started happening.  I had the incredible privilege of a visitor from Florida last week, my dear friend Winnie.  We stayed in a wonderful old B&B and I got to introduce her to many of my favorite haunts and favorite people.
And to crown what seemed like a surreally perfect visit already, Winnie and I found ourselves sitting down to lunch in Coeur d'Alene with one of the most inspirational and dynamic women I've ever met, MaryJane Butters.  It was indescribable.  Sitting down with two treasured friends to work out the world's problems and swap yarns steeped in our Farmgirl heritage - though we three had never seen each other the week before - felt like a dream come true that I never even knew I had.  It was beautiful.
But that deserves a post of it's own, too.

I hope you're having a full-to-the-brim Summer of joy, life, and dreams coming true.  
Because no matter how long you have to wait and strive, dreams that you believe in will.  Oh, they will.