Monday, September 23, 2013

Inventing Comfort

After moving literally five tons of cinder blocks last week (with an able crew), there's nothing more luxurious to me than an evening out in the spa, beneath the stars, hot steam and essential oils melting aching muscles into a delicious wave of comfort!

Continually dropping temperatures notwithstanding, I am definitely quite determined to get full use out of my bath house before everything freezes solid.

It's been so insanely busy around here that the Autumn clothing collection is still only half photographed, but I am also determined on that front to make the wait well worthwhile.  If only I can grab a few more seconds of sunshine!  

As I write from here in the bus, a fine, needle-sharp September rain is chilling the air and sending me scampering for my hot ginger tea and wool socks.

Ah, piping hot tea... and wool.  Come to think of it, luxury is just as attainable as we make it.
What little luxury have you been enjoying lately?


  1. Mm, I wish it was cooler down here. As it were, 70*F is the best we're getting. But it's enough for jeans and the occassional scarf, so I'm contenting myself. :)

    A luxury I've particularly been enjoying is the sunshine. It's been perfectly clear for a good few days now, and I love crisp skies. <3

    1. Ah, sunshine... there's nothing like a crisp blue sky! Can we trade weather for a few days? :)

  2. Your writing simply wonderful! :) This morning, eating left over sour cream apple pie for breakfast in my woolies (that I made) ..... :) I was hoping to have the chance to share that, it was so peaceful with the windows open and no one up yet. :)

    1. Thanks, Cassie. That's one of my favorite things to do, too - get up before the rest of the house and eat leftover dessert for breakfast:D Sounds sublime!

  3. There is something very luxurious about a lantern lit soak after a day of heavy work! The hot water, the soothing heat, the knowledge that the day is done and a soft bed and pillow awaits, is balm for any weary soul!

    1. Oh, it's so wonderful. Makes the hard work so much more worthwhile, too! :)

  4. Hot chocolate with marshmallows, watercoloring, and lori line background music. :)

  5. That sounds wonderful. My mother just sent me a pair of knit socks, and I'm waiting for a chance to appreciate them!

    1. Oh, another favorite... knit socks are so fabulous!

  6. Vanilla chocolate that I later gave to a man in the street because I did not have much else.
    A book about free time in the Middle Ages (from the library).
    Milk. Good, non-homogenised milk.
    And a silk camisole under my clothes for the autumn chill. :D

    Is that a quote, or is that your own words, by the way?

    1. So lovely, Hana. Ah, silk... there's nothing like it for warmth!

      The quote is my own words, derived from a quote I remember seeing in a book on cowgirls/women pioneers long ago and couldn't quite recall.

    2. I love inventing comfort from seemingly nothing. Well, sometimes it's hard, but the ability to invent things like that is a wonderful gift!

  7. Lovely post, Kellie!
    My luxury today was sleeping in until 10:30, then filling my day with relaxation and productivity.(: It feels so nice.

    decked out in ruffles


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