Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Home Grown Potatoes

I think it's safe to say potato harvest is one of my favorite holidays.  In the last few years, it's started to weave a tapestry of memories and traditions all it's own. 
Last year I shared how we do the potato planting, which again is an entity all it's own - but the picking is my favorite.  Seeing the blessing of the fruit of our labor scattered over the soft earth, filling bucket after bucket and crate after crate, tons upon tons stacking up alongside the edge of the field, working together and bonding with friends over good hard work, and just enjoying the spectacular landscape I live in is unmitigated joy.

This year was awesome, as we doubled the field from last year's two acres to a whopping four.  Over 40 friends and neighbors showed up over the three days we harvested.
And we had way too much fun.  It shouldn't be allowed to have that much fun, really.  At least not videographically documented on the internet.  Oh, well.

When it comes right down to it, there's only two things that money can't buy -
and that's true love, and home grown potatoes.


  1. Enjoyed this immensely Kellie! Thank you!

  2. True potato farming!!!! Looks like even through the work of it, you still found fun!!!

    Sapphire P.S. We would love it if you came round and visited our blog, here's the address laughterandlipgloss.blogspot.com

  3. Great virtual potato harvest ! Fr those of us like me who have no earthly idea how it all happens, this was so interesting! Love that video best!!

  4. Thank you, you just make me laugh!!!!!!!

  5. Haha! That video cracked me up. :)

  6. I love that you managed to look great even while harvesting potatoes. :)

  7. Love these photos, Kellie! It's amazing how shared hard work can bring people together and create great memories. Harvesting maple syrup is like that for me. It's so much work, but we've been doing it since I was a little girl. :) Also, Rangers are awesome tools, eh?

    1. It's when the best memories and bonding happen - over shared hard work.
      Maple Syrup! That is so, so neat. Trade some for potatoes? Haha:) Rangers are completely awesome tools - and toys;D

  8. Sure sounds like such a fun memory making event! I always think it's really neat when people grow their own food. I've only tried growing herbs (which aren't doing so well... :( ), but I think it's really cool how you guys grow potatoes.

  9. Lovely photos, Kellie! They make me feel almost as if I was there.

    decked out in ruffles

  10. Iiiidaaaahoooo! :-) I love potato harvesting, even though I only had a few rows in the garden. But in childhood I used to help my grandmother with her potato field - that was fun!

    1. Idaho LOVE! :) What a great memory - thanks for sharing that.

  11. Coucou je vous rends visite régulièrement et c'est un vrai plaisir pour moi que de vous découvrir...
    Merci de partager des instants de votre vie avec nous...
    Douce journée
    Amicalement Sylvie

  12. This just made my day! :)

  13. Hey Kellie!
    I've got a question for you, if it's okay. Okay, so I'm trying to improve the look on my own blog and I seem to have hit a wall! All I would really like are the "home, about me, recipes," buttons that go under the blog header - I'm not sure if they are even called "buttons"! :p How does one add them? I'd really appreciate some tips or helpful hints! Thanks and God bless! BTW, I really enjoyed this post! :)

    1. Thanks Sarah! I actually don't remember how I made the navigation bar - I'd have to look it up again myself. But I believe I got the tutorial from PuglyPixel.com. Great designing resource!

    2. Thank you, Kellie! I really appreciate it! :)


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