Monday, November 11, 2013

Treasury feature | best of October

Giving Thanks

The Beautiful, Little Fox

Right Now                                                         Only Make 

quiet morning         

isn't it romantic?

"I am so glad that I live in a world where there are Octobers"

Today's treasury feature is a compilation of a few of the multitudes of amazing treasuries I've come across this past month featuring my work and that of other exquisite artisans.  Be sure to click through to each one to discover a world of storytelling, handcrafting, and artistry!
{click each image to visit that treasury on Etsy)

Many of these were curated by women from TeamJabez, an absolutely fabulous group of women sellers on Etsy that are passionate about Christ and are insanely talented makers.  I've loved getting to know them a bit through being a part of the Jabez team, and encourage you to click through to their shops!  Delight awaits...

.::. Feel free to like and share! .::.♥
If you create a treasury highlighting something from the shop, be sure to let me know - it could be our next feature.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Only dance.

top, belt, shoes - thrifted
jacket - ModCloth

My outfit for the November Contra dance.  I dressed down the tulle this time for a more folksy feel with  leather and florals, while the rich autumnal browns are making me desperately crave some homemade pumpkin pie for some reason.  This skirt is absolutely perfect for dancing and twirling - the satin under layer is wide enough for full range of movement, while being narrow enough that you never have to worry about it flipping up.  And the tulle is so outrageously delicious as it billows and sways that you may forget that you're just a girl on the dance floor and start to feel like a deliriously happy cloud instead.

I've been so looking forward to the dance as a much-needed respite from my big project, but I'm afraid I overrated my stamina and nearly pitched over somewhere in the middle, to be trundled ignominiously home in a state of such exhaustion that I hardly cared that I was leaving the dance early (which looking back, is pretty serious)...
I've always said that I would dance as long as there was anyone to dance with till I dropped if given the chance, and it seems I've finally done it.  However, it's amazing what a good's night rest will do, and I'm feeling recharged enough that if you asked me to a dance right now, I'd totally say yes - except that there's to be no more dancing, pitching, or mooning for me till my project's all done!  There's enough drama around here without me manufacturing more.  So let it be written, so let it be done.

No matter what else life throws your way, make time to dance.  If you're lucky enough to have friends that dance with you, so much the better.  But only dance.

P.S. Thanks, little sis, for taking pictures (and dancing) with me!

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Three Year Anniversary

I've been insanely busy lately, working on a tremendous project that's literally been taking up my every moment for the last several weeks.  I can't wait to reveal it!  And no, it's actually not related to the shop this time...
In the midst of the whirl, I nearly missed an important announcement: November 7th marks Kellie Falconer Design's three year anniversary on Etsy!  Traditionally, we've had a ginormous giveaway here on the blog to celebrate, but life goes on and that didn't happen this year.  I'm hoping we might be able to do something along those lines soon, though, so stay tuned!

For a limited time, use coupon code NOVEMBER7 at checkout for 10% off your purchase and help celebrate with me!  

It's been such an amazing, rewarding journey so far, and from where I stand now, the road beyond looks amazing.  My deepest thanks to each and every one of you who have followed along for your support and encouragement - without it, the Wall Tent Studio might still just be a dream in my head.

Also, stop by Lauren's blog to see her glamorous styling of our tulle skirt in Retro red - so perfect for upcoming holiday events!  And best of all, she wore it to go out swing dancing - I'm completely jealous.  I love it, Lauren!