Saturday, December 28, 2013

December Vignettes

December has come and gone like some impressionist painting - a blur of color and quiet, detail and dream.

I've been enjoying my new piano so much. The bus studio slowly became the workroom of my dreams with a little piece added here, a new table curtain and ironing board cover there. You'll recognize the board cover fabric here, and here!
The December contra dance was Perfect. 
I sewed my way through all of Rudyard Kipling's Just So stories, A Tale of Two Cities, and A Christmas Carol while getting orders finished for Christmas delivery.
I went to the Spokane Jazz Orchestra's Glenn Miller Christmas concert again this year with wonderful friends. The Bing Crosby theater was again magnificent, and the music so, so brilliant.

Quiet, peaceful, crisp and clear. The impossible unfolding before me without my even looking for it.

"It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all."

Hot fudge sundaes just before midnight in concert finery: excellent, this is.
I hope your December has been beautifully bright, irresistibly merry, and blessed with countless quiet and treasured moments.


  1. This was glorious Kellie!
    Your studio looks wonderful!
    I love your outfit you wore to the concert! Fabulous!

    Much love,

    1. Thanks so much, Cassie! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

  2. Love those glitter flats- and your whole outfit! Wishing you a belated merry Christmas and a happy new year! Alex

    1. A belated merry Christmas and a happy new year to you as well, dear! Thank you<3

  3. Your new studio in the bus looks wonderful! I love how you have it all set up to be a workspace for your business as well as a little private get away for other pursuits. The photos of the Bing Crosby Theatre night tell the tale of a beautiful and memorable evening with friends for the second year in a row. What a treasure so close to home to enjoy each year! I am happy your December was full of the best and sweetest of memories!

    1. The Beck is so much fun. And yes, the evening at the Bing was simply perfection!!

  4. What a fantastic letter. Loved seeing the concert Hall. We had many seats so far up that the stage seems kike a doll house. Did you have a white Christmas???

    1. We did - everything melted off the trees the day before, but the ground was white. I hope you all had a merry Christmas! Sending love your way!

  5. eeek! I just got that same Juki serger 2 weeks ago. I adore it! Best serger ever! Love all your photos!

  6. Such fun! Hope you all had a very merry Christmas!

    the Middle Sister and Singer


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