Sunday, March 31, 2013

Risen Indeed


Yesterday morning, a six mile hike on the Shoreline trail.

All of that indescribable beauty.  But somehow, my eyes and mind were more than mere admirers.  They thrilled to the joy, the challenge, the pain and love of living.  All of which are given meaning, purpose, and victory through the knowledge that my Saviour lives.  Rose from the dead, redeemed humankind - me - and extends His victory to us to live with every day we that draw breath.

Because He lives.  Oh, yes.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Black and White + giveaway winner

Just a little glimpse into some favorite March moments.

March disappeared in the blink of an eye.  I should really figure out how to Not Blink sometime.  It could come in handy in so many ways.

The monthly contra dance has been such a highlight of each month.  How I love to dance!
We also had a fantastic game night with friends, complete with blanket capes, indian wrestling, intrigue, Mafia, and reporters armed with lightsaber mics.  Oh, and those nerdy glasses... it all equated to epic.

Housesitting for some friends was completely great, too, as I was able to get quite a bit of prep work done on my fabric and materials for the new line in peace, quiet, and a whole lot of table space.  Lookin' good.

All around me Spring is waiting, coiled, ready to dash into vibrant greens and dappled sunshine.
And my new serger machine arrived today!  Completely a dream come true.

The giveaway winner is Mary Elizabeth!!  Congratulations!
Don't forget, folks, there are less than a handful of items left in the shop - use coupon code HAPPINESS to receive an extra 10% off already marked down prices!