Friday, September 30, 2011

Garlic Scape Pesto

This is truly one of the best - and most lingering - parts of summer.  
Garlic Scapes - the very name sounds curly, slightly spicy, fresh, green, delightfully unexpected.

Garlic and its relatives in the allium family, (leeks, chives, onions) grow underground, where the bulb begins its journey.  As the bulb gets harder (and more like the garlic we know), a shoot pokes its way through the ground.  Vibrantly green, the shoot is long, thin and grows in gorgeous curling tendrils, waving like festive banners in the breeze.  It's called the scape.

If left unattended, the scape will harden and transform from green to the familiar opaque white/beige color of garlic peel. Keeping the shoot attached will also curtail further growth of the bulb. So, in order to allow the garlic to keep growing, the farmer is also harvesting this edible delectable that cooks are just beginning to re-discover.

Garlic Scape Pesto

1 C. chopped garlic scapes
1/3 C. walnuts
1/3 C. olive oil
1/2 C. shredded parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp salt
pepper to taste

Put all ingredients in food processor except oil.
Puree, than add oil in a thin stream until well combined.


I might have a little too much fun with those quirky, spiraling figures...




I have a love/hate relationship with the Cuisinart.  It's the perfect tool for whipping up something like pesto.  But the engineering is very poor - in my opinion.  It will not run unless the two-pieced lid is screwed on, which seems reasonable - until you take a look at the size of the lid opening.  You would practically need to feed each scape in one at a time lengthwise through that miniscule hole.  So I end up laboriously twisting the lid on-and-off, off-and-on, on-and-off as I add ingredients.  Very tiresome...=)


If you're looking for some inspiration for cooking with this fabulous condiment, here are just a handful of dishes we've made with GS Pesto:

*----Simply blend with sour cream for a dipping sensation!
*----Top a homemade pizza crust with pesto, shredded chicken (free-range homegrown!), pineapple, fresh basil, and mozzarella cheese. Then count the seconds before it disappears.  I think it might be safer if you make three.  Or four.
*----Add to just about any pasta dish for a lovely fresh twist
*----Spread on buttered toast for garlic pesto bread
*----And the best part - be sure to put up as much as you can in the freezer for the year until next harvest!  I put up about fifty pints in freezer ziplocs.  We'll see how long it lasts...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Calendar Winner

Pinned Image

Thank you, all, for entering the Norman Rockwell calendar giveaway - that was so fun!  I loved to read all of your favorite things about this beautiful season.  

"My favorite part of the autumn season is the smells...the smell of leaves....bread baking...maybe even the heater running... horseback riding on a nice autumn day... falling leaves in the rain."

Autumn is my very favorite season. I'm a cold weather person - pitifully, I just seem to melt when the temperatures rise, and I'm never happier than when I have my long, warm sweater, wool stockings, circle skirt, rubber boots, tam, and a faithful dog, out for a woodland tramp in the rain.  But then, coming inside for dry clothes, a steaming cup o' hot chocolate, and a snuggle with a good book while the rain comes gently down on the window pane is a pretty close second!

Well, enough prevaricating.  I know what you want to see... =)
I am pleased to announce that comment #13, Tayler, is our winner! Congratulations!

Your calendar will be shipped as soon as possible by the sponsor company.  Please email me your mailing address at: kelliefalconer {at} gmail {dot} com, which I will send to the company.
Please remember, if the winner does not contact me within two days, a new winner will be selected.

Thank you!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Summer's Past

This evening, I watched Summer set behind the mountain west of us - it went with a sparking, delicious warm breeze and glory of evening sun-dappled leaves, already touched with a autumnal shade of soft green-gold.  It was a perfect evening.  
The whole world seemed to be at peace - the lowing of the neighbor's cattle in the valley below and the barking of my dog as she worried a chipmunk in a tree were the only sounds. 

It's been colder at night - I'm currently sleeping in three layers - it will probably be closer to five or six as autumn progresses :) - but the last couple of days have been perfect indian summer.

Summer... I can't believe it's over!
I wanted to share some of the highlights of mine - it's been a truly beautiful season in my life.

Well, first and foremost, my wall tent.  It's been my haven, my refuge, my open door to expanding horizons.  I've never had my own room before, so imagine moving in to this little piece of fairyland-meets safari out in the forest!  It's more wonderful than I can express. 

Some dear friends visited us, and we held our second (semi;) annual Mountain Man Rendezvous in honor of the occasion.  Dancing, costumes, dutch oven cooking, and torrential rain made it an unforgettable event.

Celebrating graduation was so special - each little detail was the perfect touch to mark this milestone.

In June, I traveled down to Wiser, Id with some friends, including the illustrious members of the North Idaho Hat Band, as they participated at the National Old Time Fiddler's contest and the Battle of the Bands.  We had way too much fun packed into those three days - here we are snapping epic pictures on the local racetrack at sunset...

Watching the Wiser parade - and playing with my dear friend Michelle's lovely hair

The Battle of the Bands

Ice cream!
And I have to share this - a homemade Mad Libs style story written by six sleep-deprived personages in the wee sma's.  Behold our joint effort in nonsensical literary endeavors, as well as a transcript for those of you who find it as difficult as I to decipher the sample of my perched-in-lap-and-scribbling-in-semi-darkness handwriting (as soon as one battery-operated lantern went out, I was supplied with another!).

The objective was for the girls to create a story centered around Sir Percy Blakeney, while the boys battled to twist the plot line to feature a character of their own creation, Darth Mike.  We each added one word at a time, taking turns.  It is a monumental contribution to the world's wit.  At midnight, that is.

Once upon a time, Darth Mike journeyed afar. 

Sir Percy said; "Mother, don't send light sabers to Robespierre!" Darth Mike graffitied Paris, destroying aristocrats. Sir Percy met Darth Mike. 
"Sink me," chortled Sir Percy, blandly kicking the chandelier.

"Beam me up, Scotty!" Suddenly, Sir percy got glasses, resulting in bankruptcy. Darth Mike slipped holograms into Danton's tunic. 
Rumbling tumbrils before Darth Mike, Marguerite beamed snidely. "Crumbs!" Screamed Darth Mike, violently wresting Robespierre from Guido. 

"Yuck!" spluttered Yoda. 

Sir Percy flourished his New Toys defiantly. Yoda stared silently, angering Count Dooku vastly. Grabbing Yoda, Sir Percy whacked Darth Mike's mother, who danced distractedly over hot astroids. 
"Dude!" squealed Marguerite. "Get a life!"

Because Darth Mike failed miserably, he was a chump.

~*~ The End ~*~
(*Now I'll go hide forever.*)

Green grass, ponies, and my sweet sisters.  A new raspberry bed in the background... =)  

The annual Independence Day croquet match!

Swimming, swimming, swimming. 

Picking cherries (we don't look like it, do we? =)

The 4-H Sewing project fashion revue - my mother is the project leader. 

County fair time - it's doesn't get any better than this.  Friends, community, handiwork, and a general holiday air pervades the ground, while the vintage tractor club goes on parade, children run about with wads of cotton candy, and everyone congratulates friends and neighbors on their entries and winnings.


Blogging and sewing have been a lovely part of this summer - all from the comfort of my canvas cottage!

Y'all come back now, you hear?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sharing the Blessings vol. 2

Presenting week two of Sharing the Blessings!


How it works:
Every Wednesday, I will post the new linky for the week's posts.  Add your link, then browse through the link pool, visit with other bloggers, and share your blessings!

What you do:
Just make a post, as simple as a picture or as elaborate as an article, and link up below so others can be encouraged.  Add the button below with a link back to this URL: the Blessings
 so that others can participate!
The blessings of family?  The fact that a friend stopped by with a cheerful smile and shared a good laugh?  The temptation conquered or the steaming mug of hot tea you enjoy each morning over devotions?  A verse of scripture that has blessed you?

I know, with the approach of Autumn and the Thanksgiving holiday, we start to think about our many blessings and how much we have to be thankful for more than the rest of the year.  Why?  Why should counting our blessings and encouraging others be an annual event?  I hope you will find something to share with us and link up below.  

Feel free to add the button below (linking to the URL given above) to your blog as well - help spread the word! If you’re not participating now, I hope you’ll come back & join in next week!

(To view all weeks of Sharing the Blessings, click here)

Simply sharing the little blessings that make life beautiful.  Won't you join me?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Norman Rockwell Calendar Giveaway

{This giveaway is now closed}

I am so excited to announce our first sponsored giveaway!

Made possible through Business2Blogger, PromosOnline has delightfully donated their Norman Rockwell Saturday Evening Post 2012 Calendar for one happy winner.

This company offers a great range of promotional products. 
PromosOnline features competitive pricing, many customized options, and a wide selection of products, such as apparel, office supplies, travel accessories, ceramics, calendars and planners. 

Visit PromosOnline on Facebook and Twitter

This giveaway is for one Norman Rockwell Saturday Evening Post 2012 Calendar, which features some of the delightful work of Norman Rockwell, the master of Americana. Go back to a simpler time with this nostalgic collection of thirteen illustrations, straight from the covers of the beloved Saturday Evening Post magazine - these scenes of Americana will keep you smiling all year long! Each monthly illustration includes its own charming description. Runs from December to December.

On order to enter, please leave a comment with your favorite part of the Autumn season - and be sure to enter additionally by:
1. Following this blog
2. Following PromosOnline on Facebook and/or Twitter
3. Blogging about this giveaway

The winner will be drawn on Wed, September 28. If the winner does not contact me within two days, a new winner will be selected.
Have fun!

Disclosure Notice: is a for profit creative blog that accepts sponsors & participates in advertising & affiliate programs.  I endorse products, shops & blogs I love in the content of my blog. I accept sponsorship from blogs & independent businesses alike. I am legally obligated to state these facts. :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

It's Time we Found Out...

...Who will be the happy winner of the ModCloth gift certificate?

First, though, I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for every visit, every comment you all have shared.  It's more than I ever dreamed of.  You are fabulous!  And I can't believe how little time it took to reach 100 followers.  I am really, really excited. And blessed beyond measure.  Stay on board as our journey continues...

But enough.  The time has come to announce the winner of this giveaway.  (which, candidly, I truly wish I were winning... but my prize, your inestimable company in this blogging journey, more than makes up for that!) =D

Without further ado, may I present comment number seven...

Erica of A Still Small Voice is the happy young lady,
who will doubtless soon be scrolling through the pages of lovely things over at ModCloth!

(Erica, please send me an email - KellieFalconer {at} gmail {dot} com - with your email address to claim your prize!  I'm so happy for you!)

Have a wonderful evening, my dears, and a blessed day tomorrow!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Two little things.

My dear friend Emily just had a great idea.  
I hope you think so, too, because it's too good to miss out on!  

Head on over to Emily the Industrious for 30 days of photography fun!

Also, we are one follower away from discovering the winner of the ModCloth giveaway.  I can't believe it!  Ninety-nine people have subscribed to my little web journal.  Thank you, friends!  You're such an encouragement!  My Google reader only has 91 followers at the moment, but the stupendous excitement of having three digits in my followers widget is far eclipsed by the fact that people, like you, care enough to come back and see what I have to say - my priority is people, rather than numbers.
So stay tuned for a winner in the very near future!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Browsing.  The old-fashioned way, with rows of books, stacks of books, mountains of books.  
I do love to go to a good book shop, and yesterday my mom and I discovered a real treasure.  Every square foot of that tiny shop was squeezed full of all kinds of books... bliss.

I came away with four - I'll never know how I escaped so easily.  It could have been ten... =)

The Importance of Being Ernest... how I do love a good chuckle over that tome of princely wit.  And such a lovely copy...!  A brand-new set of Little House books to put away for my children, as my set is all but worn to dust by hundreds of hours in the delightful company of Laura Ingalls Wilder.  A handsome copy of The Complete Shakespeare - can you believe I've never read him before?  I think it's quite time to remedy that - though candidly, I never was one for melodramatical, tragic nonsense... Juliet always sounded like a pretty lame heroine, while between you and me, Romeo rather resembles a chump.  There.  I said it.  
But I have a suspicion that As you Like it and his other comedies will be very worth while.

Besides, I have a weakness for any book that thick.   Mmmm...

I absolutely squealed with delight when I spotted this.  And for $2.50?  With the bookplate unmarked?
It was waiting for me.

An adorable treasury of four tales from the films that made Shirley so beloved.  The little Colonel, Heidi, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farms and Captain January are all here, unabridged (with the exception of Heidi), with charming illustrations for each story as well as photos from the motion pictures.  I hope to read this to my children some day!  (Though it's to bee seen whether I shall look quite as darling as Mrs. Shirley while engaged in that excellent pastime...)

My sisters are enthralled as well.  We read the first part of Captain January last night, till Tilda and Clara succumbed to slumber. 

Altogether a very enjoyable time, as my good friend Eddie Wilson would say.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Project DOTT

For my birthday this year, my darling, creative friend Tasha gave me a little ticket tucked inside of a pink gingham bag that she embroidered the message "for you" on.  The ticket read "This ticket entitles you to one Day on the Town, complete with antique shopping, a trip to MaryJane's, a picnic, and anything else you wish!
Snuggled next to the ticket was a gift certificate to the MaryJane'sFarm shop.  The stage was set for an epic, sublime, project DOTT.

Dresses were sewn for the occasion, (everyone else thought mine was simply this year's 4-H project, but I knew better;) matching millinery concocted, hair coiffed, and hamper stowed.  (Stowing a picnic hamper is the most romantically whimsical activity.  You should try it.)

To do the thing properly, one really must have a private photographer.  A chauffeur  is an added nicety.  So Tasha's brother marvelously agreed to act in both capacities, and did a splendid job of it.  We are indebted to you, Alex.  Or James.  You acted the part to perfection. 

Going to the fabric store is always a treat.  Today, it was a cinematographic experience.  
Swishy frocks, best friends...

...and the most luscious grey plaid flannel.   

 Next up, Wiggett's Antiques - a very wonderful place.  Coincidentally, it's where I first met Petrov...

The most beautiful book room also resides there, filling me with alternating euphoria and despair as I peek at price tags.

Enter MaryJanesFarm shop!  This little place is so adorable, and the decor, consisting of MaryJane's own collection of antique finds is absolutely fabulous.

Then, as we walked back to the car lot...

This gentleman with a most charming accent paused to exclaim; "Ladies!  You are so beautiful - may I please take your picture?"
We assented, and while he set up his phone camera he continued; "I ask you.  Where will you find such beauty?"  Turning to our escort, he intoned, "Young man, don't fool yourself.  You will never hold a candle to them."

Back in the car, we died.
It was the highlight of the day, and I am forever thankful to that charming gentleman for his kindness and gallantry.

Then, to crown all, a picnic on the historic downtown green!  My hamper (also acquired at Wiggett's), was the perfect accessory.

A picnic!  Yay!

The menu consisted of homemade scones (yours truly), delightful sandwiches, vanilla creame soda, and a half-round of cake which our escort selected as befitting his voracious appetite.

The cake was titled "Sock It To Me Cinnamon Pudding Cake".
Why?  I'll tell you.

I don't know.

Brother & sister
Yes, that is a raccoon in the middle.  It seems I am not the only one to find fabulous furs in the basement of Wiggett's - and Jeff here was fully intact with a mounted head.  How could one pass up such a deal?
Alex asked himself that same question as we picnicked, and on discovering the answer, we made a detour back to the basement to claim the coveted prize.  He (Jeff) rode on the dashboard all the way home, his paws clinging to the windshield and his beautifully mounted head grinning at fellow motorists.

The befitting end to a Day on the Town, Tristan and the Classy Lassies style.

Project DOTT will forever be a monument to carefree, inspired, stylish insanity.